Retired Academics and Librarians of the University of Toronto

RALUT Communications Committee Terms of Reference

Chair Robin Healey robin.healey@utoronto.ca
Members Ed Barbeau, Diane Henderson, Jack Stevenson, Fred Wilson

1. To keep a strategic oversight of all of RALUT's communications efforts, including both what we do now and future possibilities.

2. To evaluate the effectiveness of our communications to and from our members both through anecdotal comments and more methodical means such as surveys.

3. To assist the RALUT web master by providing advice, counsel, guidance and such other assistance as may be appropriate.

4. To assist the Editor of the Reporter by providing advice, counsel, guidance and such other assistance as may be appropriate.

5. To assist the Vice-President (Operations) by providing advice, guidance, counsel and such other assistance as may be appropriate regarding communications that are provided through the RALUT office.

6. To make recommendations to the Board for the improvement of our communications.

7. To meet at least three times a year and to make reports to the Board of its activities.